Afterschool Process Art

Tuesday afternoons from 3:30-5:00

Erin invites 6-10 year olds to come make art on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30-5:00 in the Atelyay Studio on the Ithaca Commons. In these sessions, Erin will provide children with quality art materials and engaging themes for exploration. As an experienced artist, educator, and mom Erin will offer prompts when inspiration is stuck, insights when skills are needed, and encouragement –always. 

Process art is all about expanding our often narrow focus on product –to attend to the process of our creativity– which invites curiosity, flexibility, and deepens our relationship to the materials.

Registration is now open via the form below.



$20-$30 per session, sliding scale

8 sessions, ~18% discount $130-$200, sliding scale

A note on our sliding scale

Because I believe that creative expression is essential for the health and well-being of all individuals and communities, I offer a sliding scale for all my classes and workshops. Payment within the set range is up to you based on your current financial situation. There are no questions asked. I really hope this can help make art accessible to more people in our community. I hope this can help allow a few more stories to be told and a few more visions to be shared.

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$20-$30 per session, sliding scale

8 sessions, ~18% discount $130-$200, sliding scale

A note on our sliding scale

Because I believe that creative expression is essential for the health and well-being of all individuals and communities, I offer a sliding scale for all my classes and workshops. Payment within the set range is up to you based on your current financial situation. There are no questions asked. I really hope this can help make art accessible to more people in our community. I hope this can help allow a few more stories to be told and a few more visions to be shared.